05. Else If Statements

In some situations, two conditionals aren’t enough. Consider the following situation.

You're trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. If it is going to snow, then you’ll want to wear a coat. If it's not going to snow and it's going to rain, then you’ll want to wear a jacket. And if it's not going to snow or rain, then you’ll just wear what you have on.

Flowchart for deciding what to wear tomorrow.

Flowchart for deciding what to wear tomorrow.

Else if statements

In JavaScript, you can represent this secondary check by using an extra if statement called an else if statement.

var weather = "sunny";

if (weather === "snow") {
  console.log("Bring a coat.");
} else if (weather === "rain") {
  console.log("Bring a rain jacket.");
} else {
  console.log("Wear what you have on.");

Prints: Wear what you have on.

By adding the extra else if statement, you're adding an extra conditional statement.

If it’s not going to snow, then the code will jump to the else if statement to see if it’s going to rain.
If it’s not going to rain, then the code will jump to the else statement.

The else statement essentially acts as the "default" condition in case all the other if statements are false.

Follow The Conditional Logic 1

What will be printed to the console if the following code is run?

var money = 100.50;
var price = 100.50;

if (money > price) {
  console.log("You paid extra, here's your change.");
} else if (money === price) {
  console.log("You paid the exact amount, have a nice day!");
} else {
  console.log("That's not enough, you still owe me money.");
SOLUTION: "You paid the exact amount, have a nice day!"

Follow The Conditional Logic 2

Looking at the following code, determine what medal Kendyll received.

var runner = "Kendyll";
var position = 2;
var medal;

if(position === 1) {
  medal = "gold";
} else if(position === 2) {
  medal = "silver";
} else if(position === 3) {
  medal = "bronze";
} else {
  medal = "pat on the back";

console.log(runner + " received a " + medal + " medal.");
SOLUTION: Kendyll received a silver medal.